Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And Now, A Quick Class Assignment

Three different posts from the same blog:

What's different about them? What's the same? Well...to start off, each of these blog posts are dealing with current events. Granted, they are popular current events, big in the media for their entertainment value and not exactly their vital importance to the world-at-large. Political humor (i.e. Sarah Palin Halloween costumes), Blogger tech and what's big in that world (the Twitter craze), and the latest crazy news headline (Balloon Boy)...everyone knows about these things. Everyone reads about them and has their own opinion about them.

What's different about each blog post is their individual amount of gravity. Each of them incorporate some sort of humor, just because of the topics. But the post about Twitter is the most matter-of-fact, while the post on Halloween costumes definitely meets the criteria for silliest. The Balloon Boy post sits somewhere in the middle, mostly because the topic is so ridiculous, outrageous even, that it's kind of hard to believe...you might even want to think that it's a joke. But it's not. It's 100% true and it's splashed all over the internet media outlets.

This blog reaches out to a large audience, but it's definitely the younger generations that are going to read all of this and understand it. Techies, gossips, and CNN-a-holics alike will find what they want to read on this blog, and won't be disappointed.

Entertainment + Relevance + Information = A Readable Blog

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